#Windows website blocker free#
However, if you're just specifically looking to filter out pornography, you may do just as well with one of the free options. That's an extremely important feature, given the vast number of non-PC options for Web browsing.ĪVG's whole-network filtering is one of the many standout features that make it our Editors' Choice for parental control overall. It has the unusual ability to "push" settings upstream into a supported router, so filtering affects all connected devices. With Freedom Premium you can add unlimited devices and custom blocklists and stay focused on what’s important by committing to blocking distractions in advance or by scheduling recurring block sessions to make productivity a habit. Remote management is possible, but your settings don't span multiple computers.ĪVG Family Safety also supplements list-based filtering with real-time analysis, and it can block secure sites by category. Freedom is the only website, app, and internet blocker that syncs blocks across all of your devices. It also has the unusual ability to filter secure (HTTPS) content. This lets it do things like block only erotic stories on a short-story website. The venerable Net Nanny 6.5 bolsters list-based filtering with real-time analysis of page content. That's very convenient for a modern, multi-PC family.
#Windows website blocker Pc#
A small, local client on each PC enforces the rules you've set. You configure all three of these free solutions using an online portal. Here again, all you need to do is check off Pornography and Mature Content. The free edition of Qustodio v1.9 filters out sites matching almost 30 categories. It can filter out content matching almost four dozen categories, but all you need to do is check off Porn and Mature Content. Norton Online Family Premier costs $49.99 per year, but all of its content-filtering goodness is also available in the free edition.

The highest level blocks nothing but warns before allowing "adult content." The next level below actively blocks adult sites but allows everything else that's the one you want.

Rather than block specific categories, this product lets you set a general filtering level. If you already make use of Microsoft's Windows Live services, adding Windows Live Family Safety 2011 is a snap, and costs nothing. You don't have to pay to keep your Internet smut-free.

Sure, you can let employees use company PCs for non-work Web browsing, but you don't have to let them visit NSFW sites. If one employee is offended by another employee surfing porn in the next cubicle, you might face a lawsuit. Small businesses should pay attention, too.