Gradius gaiden alternate music
Gradius gaiden alternate music

gradius gaiden alternate music

I found the ones in Dracula X to be average at best (no textures on parts of the castle, etc.).

gradius gaiden alternate music gradius gaiden alternate music

However, and this has no bearing on the game itself, if there is one thing that has bugged me about Konami's titles as of late is the poor quality of their CG FMVs. However, after seeing what Konami was capable of pulling off with Dracula X, I waited for this title with optimism, and what I then experienced did not disappoint. Namco's Xevious 3D/G+ failed at improving upon the original in any significant way, so naturally, I was skeptical when I heard that a new Gradius was headed for the PlayStation. What I'm referring to here are true 32-bit upgrades/sequels with refined and new gameplay elements which still retain the feel of the originals. Their Parodius (Deluxe Pack, SexyParo, OshaParo) and Twinbee Deluxe Pack titles, which have simply been conversions of older arcade and home games with a little more gloss, don't count in this case, although I still regard them as being among the most entertaining shooters out there.


I'm a shooter fanatic, so the games of that era from Konami are very special to me, and most people who owned a Super Famicom/SNES or PC Engine/TG-16 at the time undoubtedly remember some of their best efforts. It's one of my favorite shooters.Īside from Konami's extraordinary platforming effort, Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight (also known as 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night' in the US), Konami has been somewhat dormant in their efforts to bring back some of their most popular games from the '80s and early '90s. In any case, it's amusing reading this now, and I left it pretty much unedited, but hopefully you guys like it. It's also filled with hyperbole that makes me cringe. Due to its age, a lot of the references are a bit dated and just plain inaccurate. Originally published on Anime PlayStation, since that site is now gone, I thought it would be alright to repost here. Note: This is a review I wrote way back in 1997 when this game was new.

Gradius gaiden alternate music